Monday, August 10

Wikipedia is our Friend

"There is no slavery but ignorance. Liberty is the child of intelligence."
~Robert G. Ingersoll

Ingersoll, a Civil War veteran and Illinois State attorney, never had his place in the political spotlight thanks to this belief. When others told him to run for office and conceal the fact that he was an agnostic he refused their pleas. Such a vigor for public truth is something that I wish to uphold in all my future publications. For now I am taking my own twist on the values that Ingersoll championed with an upcoming project entitled Folie à Deux. The presentation, named after a form of psychosis in which two people transfer delusions from one to the other, is my first of hopefully many magazines informing the public of current cultural and political issues that have multiple views to be looked at. Because I consider myself a member of the deluded public, I cannot formulate such strong opinions as Ingersoll, but I can supply a version of the truth for my fellow misinformed members of society and in the most comprehensible way possible. For my first booklet, if you will, I will be tackling the hard hitting topic of Health Care: Is ObamaCare right for US? With Congress currently on recess until early September there have been more than a few articles in the news for and against the plan that has been labelled as socialism. In my first edition of Folie à Deux I hope to conquer the following questions with as little bias and condescension as possible:

What exactly is ObamaCare?
What are the pros and cons of ObamaCare?
What is Socialism?
Is ObamaCare Socialism?
Is Socialism sustainable?

The layout for the project will be very simple in design and legibility will be a key factor in the entire printing process. The pages of the publication will not be flooded with words either, with only a few ideas on one page so as not to overwhelm the reader. The point is to get the truth out there in the simplest and most understandable way possible. In the end, it is the public's decision as to whether to support ObamaCare or not. Hopefully whatever "delusions" my audience experiences will be intelligent ones transferred to all of their acquaintances and the public may be properly and thoroughly informed without propaganda. It is a feat that may be near impossible, but I am willing to take a chance and withhold my opinion for a day until I have ALL the facts, and I hope my readers will, too.

1 comment:

My name is Michelle. said...

you write really well, jess. and hold back your opinions too well. ha if only we could all utilize such restraint.